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Uber-customsiable video carousel

This carousel and featured-content rotator excels in two areas: firstly, it serves both video and graphic content, and secondly, it is super-customisable in terms of where the three components of the carousel - namely the slides, the tabs and the 'more info' area - are positioned within it. An XML file controls all behavioral and visual aspects of the carousel, though default settings can be overridden at the point of instantiation.

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Carousel with wrap effect

This carousel actually wraps slides as they're bumped off the edges. That is, if a slide is bumped off the right edge, it reappears in equal measure from the left edge. The 'on' slide is always centered, widened and given full opacity. The other slides huddle around it, narrower and semi-opaque. An auto-rotator turns on each slide in turn, or you can force a slide on by clicking it (interrupting the auto-rotate). Clicking the 'on' slide takes you to its corresponding URL, specified in the config file.

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Blockster transition effect

Blockster is a Javascript transition effect designed for 'featured content' rotators or slideshows. Its underlying concept is to transition between one element to the next block by block. It is highly customisable in terms of how many blocks are involved, whether they fade in or simply appear, whether they appear in order or randomly, and more.

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