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BAPS: Browser and plugin sniffer

Browser and plugin sniffer (BAPS) is a tool to detect factors regarding a user's environment, such as browser, version, language, plugins and more. Browser sniffing is famously fiddley due to a lack of consistent implementation by browser vendors (until recently, even jQuery had given up trying to consolidate this with its $.browser object). This script aims for reliable detection. It sets a global variable, baps, an object through which the various pieces of data can be accessed.

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XML-to-JSON convertor and remapper

This is a jQuery plugin for converting data from XML to JSON format. However its real power lies in its ability to also remap data to a different structure. This can be useful when you have a plugin or application that requires JSON data, but the data is coming from an XML feed that you don't have structural control over. Data is remapped to the structure you need.

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