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jQuery drop-down selector

Dropdown is a Javascript/CSS-powered simulation of the in-built <select>, but more tangible. It can work either as a navigation tool or as a form field. In the case of the latter, a value is submitted to the server once the form is submitted, just as you'd expect with a real <select> element.

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UI for Postcode Anywhere address look-up

This UI for the Postcode Anywhere look-up service takes the hassle out of integration. Just set a few vars in the JS file, call it into your site, and the script does the rest. It DOM-scripts all the relevant elements that support it, such as the look-up <link>/<button> and the neat scrolling <div> that then appears beneath your field that displays returned addresses as links. Clicking one populates your form - it's that simple.

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Ajaxify - re-route your forms via AJAX

This script takes existing forms, identified by a certain class, and re-routes them via AJAX. The data is gathered and sent to the handler set in action via the method set in method. A response is received from the handler and optionally passed to a callback function.

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Domscripter - reduce your DOM-scripting code

This script acts as a powerful factory for producing HTML elements en-masse, vastly reducing the amount of code needed compared to native DOM-scripting. In one call to the main function you can create your element as well as add attributes, events, styling add supporting elements such as <br />s or clears underneath.

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