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Numberfier: add line numbers to your textareas

Numberfier is a jQuery plugin which adds line number support for nominated textareas. It is most useful for sites that wish to show code snippets, or allow users to write code. Line numbers appear in a left column appended before the textarea, and update on insertion or modification of the textarea's content.

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BAPS: Browser and plugin sniffer

Browser and plugin sniffer (BAPS) is a tool to detect factors regarding a user's environment, such as browser, version, language, plugins and more. Browser sniffing is famously fiddley due to a lack of consistent implementation by browser vendors (until recently, even jQuery had given up trying to consolidate this with its $.browser object). This script aims for reliable detection. It sets a global variable, baps, an object through which the various pieces of data can be accessed.

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XML Tree - visualise and traverse your XML

XMLTree is a utility for visualising and traversing XML in tree format. The script creates the tree from a specified XML file or from manually-fed XML. Callback functions can be specified to fire as you traverse the tree, to which are automatically passed the node you clicked, and its XPath. It is also possible to deep link to a point or points within the tree. Multiple trees on one page are supported.

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Bouncy text

Bouncy text is a jQuery plugin that animates text, bouncing each letter matched in the selector at random intervals. A pointless, if slightly fun method to make your page a little quirky.

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Uber-customsiable video carousel

This carousel and featured-content rotator excels in two areas: firstly, it serves both video and graphic content, and secondly, it is super-customisable in terms of where the three components of the carousel - namely the slides, the tabs and the 'more info' area - are positioned within it. An XML file controls all behavioral and visual aspects of the carousel, though default settings can be overridden at the point of instantiation.

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XML-to-JSON convertor and remapper

This is a jQuery plugin for converting data from XML to JSON format. However its real power lies in its ability to also remap data to a different structure. This can be useful when you have a plugin or application that requires JSON data, but the data is coming from an XML feed that you don't have structural control over. Data is remapped to the structure you need.

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JAWS: news ticker and mini accordion

This widget-esq script is at once both a news ticker and a mini accordion. It takes a config file of data (headlines, image SRCs, URLs etc) and paginates your headlines into folds. It will optionally auto-rotate through these folds, though you can navigate between them with the numeric tabs at the top right. If an item has 'more info' data set in the config, then clicking the headline will reveal that data in an accordion fashion. See below for an example.

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