Gedling Parish Councils were invited to attend a Gedling Borough Council meeting on the 8th.December. Ravenshead was represented by our Parish Clerk, Mrs Yvonne Jones and Chairman Joe Lonergan, together with our Borough Councillors Chris Barnfather and Colin Powell who have both given strong support for our opposition to the Borough plan to abolish Parish Aid. The anticipation was that we would be consulted on these proposals. All eleven Gedling Parishes were invited, and most were in attendance.
Before any discussion took place, however, the Cabinet Member Cllr. Creamer announced that all existing Parish Aid would be abolished and that the only choice for attendees was either instant abolition in the financial year 2012/13 (Option A) or mitigating the blow to Parishes by spacing this total loss over two years (Option B). The Parish representatives refused the request to vote for either options in case they were seen later to be supporting in any way the abolition of Aid to Gedling Parishes.
So, no consultation took place %u2013 the decision to abolish Parish Aid was taken prior to this meeting and was justified on the basis that the incoming Gedling Administration had promised this change in their Political Election Manifesto.
Until now, Gedling Borough Council has recognised its responsibility to help to deliver Leisure, Community and Childrens` Play services to people living in the Parishes and, since the formation of Ravenshead Parish in 1987 Gedling has continued to provide 75% of the net cost of this provision %u2013 which Parishes provide on their behalf. In the financial year 2011/12, this Parish Aid support amounts to £36,000 for Ravenshead and £170,000 for the total Gedling Parish Group. And, readers should bear in mind that £170,000 represents far less than 1% of Gedling Borough Council income.
On the other hand, this Parish Aid abolition has a massive effect on Parish finances. The Gedling Borough Financial Cut of £36,000 now identified for Ravenshead over two years will drive up our Parish Precept by over 50% in the year when Gedling Borough is likely to set increases of not more than 3.5% on its Council Tax levy. The overall outcome for Ravenshead is that we lose £51,000 over three years, which represents a third of our total income.
What is Gedling Borough going to do with their £171,000 yield from the Parish Aid Abolition? We were told, at this late date, that decisions have yet to be finalised although some £100,000 will not actually be a saving but is likely to be recycled by a doubling of the %u201Cpot%u201D to £1,000 per year for District Councillors to distribute as needs are evidenced to them in their Wards - and the remaining amount may be distributed across the whole of the Borough from a %u201CCommunity Pot%u201D on a %u201Cdeprivation formula%u201D yet to be devised. So, it becomes clear that financial constraint is not the driving force for this severe cut which is being imposed on Gedling Parishes!
Cllr Creamer, the representative for Gedling Borough Council, was asked for help %u2013 Would he take back to Gedling some of the Leisure Services currently being provided by Parishes? %u2013Would he run the Childrens` Play Parks in the Parishes? %u2013 Had he considered the possibility of reducing the Council Tax in Parishes in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992? %u2013 Could he say how much each Parish Council would receive from the new %u201CCommunity pot%u201D? None of these questions received a definitive response. In the mean-time, despite this lack of clarity, Parish Councils are required to set their annual budgets before the 16th.January 2012!
Joe Lonergan said that the Gedling Borough Council decision delivered at this Meeting by Cllr. Creamer was appalling, it lacked any understanding or respect for the work being delivered voluntarily within Parishes and was seen as essentially a policy of Apartheid with the intention of adversely differentiating against Parish versus Urban dwellers in the Borough Community. It summarily abrogates a longstanding assurance of support which encouraged Parishes to provide facilities locally, for and on behalf of the Gedling Borough Council. Under these revised rules, Ravenshead Householders will be %u201Cbuying%u201D Leisure & Community Services twice %u2013 once through the Gedling Council Tax to fund places like Carlton Forum Leisure Centre and Play Parks in Netherfield %u2013 and secondly through the Parish Precept to now totally fund the Ravenshead Leisure Centre and our Play Parks in the Village. The Gedling Parishes will not forget this meeting in a hurry nor the decisions delivered, which will certainly produce a significant deterioration in Parish relationships with the Borough.%u201D
Joe Lonergan %u2013 Chairman Ravenshead Parish Council.
Chairmans Monthly Report
For the full details select Chairmans Report from ''Latest Docements' on the right
Parish meeting in Brief
For the full Council minutes, select from ''Latest Docements' on the right
Councillor Creamer has met with councillors to discuss funding .
The discussion involved officers from Gedling who said they had some sympathy with our position but could not go back on the manifesto pledge of the winning party. It seems the labour party told the urban Gedling residents we had been subsidised by them for years by paying Parish Aid and they had pledged to stop this
Environmental Issues.
Complaints have been received regarding the signage at the Milton Court car park
Ecofuels are advertising from their premises which is not permitted under planning laws and has been submitted to Gedling.
Ravenshead Leisure Centre. - The Clerk reported the following:-
G4S Utility Services is changing the electritity meter and the Leisure Centre will need to close from 11am until 2pm on th 17th November
The electrician has changed the gents fan and has quoted and repaired several other items.
Health and safety training was held on 11th November
Voce Electric has carried out Pat testing on all equipment on October 21st.
A new assembly point between no 1 and 2 tennis court has been signed for fire regulations.
Two accidents were reported in the Leisure Centre
Granwood Flooring has been asked for advice on the sports hall floor
Gedling has yet to reply to fencing queries on the new estate
Planning meeting in Brief
For the full Planning minutes, select from 'Latest Docements' on the right
Longdale Lane two storey extension no objections subject to Special Character Area .
Chapel Lane Erection of a new detached dwelling to rear of site, highway access improvements and alterations to existing dwelling. - Ravenshead Parish Council objects to the development on the grounds of infill and over development of the site. The style of construction is out of keeping with the street scene. Oppose the loss of trees.
The Birches Front double storey extension no objections.
Kirkby Road tree work no objection with the approval of the Arboricultural Officer
Oakwood Drive Two storey side extension no objections
Longdale Lane erect 2 storey extensionto rear object to this build in greenbelt especially as it is retrospective
Vernon Avenue Removal of Oak tree no objection