Round-up: IE6 radio bug; updated Dropdown...
First up, thanks to Gerard Okono, who brought to my attention a bug in IE 6 and 7 whereby radio buttons inserted after the DOM has loaded are apparently uncheckable.
Domscripter, my handy DOM-scripting time-saver, has therefore undergone a fudge to get round this problem, involving using a click event to force the clicked radio button to be checked, at the same time unchecking any previously-checked sibling of the same radio family. See the full fudge here.
Secondly, Dropdown has undergone a bit of a revamp. It now accepts more parameters and you have the option of breaking the links in the drop-down into columns - handy for drop-downs with lots of links. Head over here for full info.
Currently Dropdown is a navigation tool designed for aps, but I'm going to tweak it to be usable in forms, too. Stay posted...
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