Sliding block puzzle game
- » Overview
- » Example
- » Usage & params
- » Notes
This is a Javascript/jQuery-powered simulation of the sliding block puzzle game, where a picture is broken up into blocks, randomly positioned, which are then one-by-one slid around to recreate the picture. The script allows you to specify the pic URL and the number of blocks you want the picture to be split into. You can even let the user stipulate the URL to another picture to use.
Drag the blocks into the correct order to make the picture:
Here's the code behind this eaxmple:
1$(function() {
2 new Puzzle('#puzzle_holder', '../imgs/scriptDemos/slideyPuzzle/puzzle.jpg', 3, 3, 'tl', true);
Usage & params
Load a puzzle into your page by calling new Puzzle(container, picURL, rows, columns, corner, allowURLSpecify);:
container (str, node reference) - a string (to feed to a jQuery selector) or node reference to the container on your page that you want the puzzle to be loaded into
picURL (str) - the URL of the picture to be used for the puzzle
rows (int) - the number of rows of blocks
cols (int) - the number of cols of blocks
corner (str) - a string stipulating which corner should be empty - either 'tl', 'tr', 'bl' or 'br'
allowURLSpecify (bool) - if true, a form field and button are appended underneath the puzzle container allowing the user to specify the URL of another image to reload the puzzle with
Dependencies (nearly none)
The only dependency the script has is that a container element is ready on your page (a string or reference pointing to this container is passed as the first argument in the function call - see usage and params, above). Apart from that, there are no CSS or HTML dependencies - the script does everything.
Obviously, the more rows and columns of blocks you have, the harder the puzzle will be. Bear in mind that, due to the randomness of the block positions and depending on the number of blocks, some puzzles will be impossible to solve.
Multiple puzzles
Since the script is object-oriented (i.e. instantiated with the new keyword), you can as many different puzzles as you like on one page.
Comments (5)
Kyle Simpson, at 5/10/'10 14:50, said:
Mitya, at 5/10/'10 15:42, said:
Vj, at 16/10/'10 06:05, said:
Mitya, at 18/10/'10 10:19, said:
Phil , at 24/10/'10 20:09, said: