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REGEX article by me in .NET magazine

posted: 13 Jul '11 21:07 tags: REGEXP, .NET, article, me

I've just completed an article for .NET magazine, to be printed in one of their upcoming issues. The article is an introduction to - what else - regular expressions, and why you should get into it.

There's three good reasons, actually. Firstly, and most simply, you'll gain the benefit of a very powerful part of programming. Secondly, REGEX grammar is implemented in much the same way across multiple programming languages, so learning it in Javascript also means learning it (or at least to a large degree) in whatever else you program in - say, PHP.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it sets you apart. The age of jQuery means everyone is a JS developer these days. Mentioning on your CV that you know REGEX makes clear you REALLY know Javascript, rather than simply dabble with a few jQuery plugins.

So look out for that one. I'll do a follow-up post when they finally publish it.

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Comments (2)

Samson, at 28/07/'11 09:49, said:
Great stuff! Regex demystified. Keep up the great work.
James Cole, at 1/02/'12 07:31, said:
Nice post, keep up with this interesting work.