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Talking to the zebra: new comments system

posted: 13 Sep '10 14:27 tags: comments, site

A mere 2 months after my site launched, I've just got round to building a comments system.

You can now post comments in response to my scripts and blog posts, be they praise, support questions, usage ideas or whatever.

And if you must use my site to sell viagra, can you at least keep the price low, please?

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Comments (5)

Sunny Singh, at 14/09/'10 23:13, said:
Pretty nice, and funny joke about viagra, those comments are really annoying.
Choulsey, at 15/09/'10 15:12, said:
Afternoon sir, I'm liking what you've got going on here, nice flashy light-box with abit of arithmetic (lets see if i get it right!), a fun little character, not too many gray boxes and some useful code! Bonza :)
Ricky, at 16/09/'10 03:22, said:
Yeah, its nice :D
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