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My new carousel - now documented!

posted: 03 Sep '10 14:31 tags: carousel, slideshow, transition, jQuery, Javascript

Several days after posting my new carousel, I thought it was about time I documented it. I now have, with complete instructions and a demo.

Head over here to download, get usage info or view a demo.

This is the first carousel I've seen that genuinely wraps slides visually when they're bumped off the edges. That is, when a slide is bumped off one edge, it visually reappears at the opposite edge in equal measure, giving a wrapping effect (I guess there are other carousels that do this, but I've not seen any).

The 'on' slide is always centered, while the 'off' slides are narrower, semi-opaque and sit around the 'on' slide. See the demo.

Like most of my work, there are no HTML or CSS dependencies for using the carousel - everything is built (i.e. DOM-scripted) by and styled within the single JS file.

A separate config file stores all data relating to each sldie - the image to load, the caption headline and text, and the URL to go to when the slide is clicked.


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