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JAWS: news ticker and mini accordion

posted: 24 Oct '10 11:32 tags: ticker, accordion, headlines, jaws, Javascript, jQuery

Jaws is a somewhat schizophrenic half-accordion, half-ticker thing. Its purpose is to scroll through headlines and optionally transform to reveal more info and a picture about each one, as well as link to a resource.

Head over here to download, get usage info or view a demo.

Jaws paginates your items into folds. It auto-scrolls through them (optionally) and provides links for you to jump to certain folds.

Clicking an item opens the widget's 'jaws' (hence the name), to reveal more info about that item and an associated picture. Clicking it again takes you to its associated URL.

Confused? It makes perfect sense if you see the demo.

As ever, it's totally customisable. The source download includes a stylesheet. The curvy corners will of course not show in IE, but you can get round this issue via my CurveMe plugin.

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Comments (1)

orange messagerie, at 29/01/'11 14:46, said:
Great article, lots of smart tips. I am going to show my buddies and ask them what they think.