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Blockster - fixed for jQuery v1.4.3

posted: 28 Oct '10 14:00 tags: block, transition, effect, rotation, slideshow, Javascript, jQuery

Thanks for the reports that Blockster wasn't working with the latest release of jQuery, 1.4.3. This is now fixed, and you can re-download the source here.

I would hesitate to say this was a jQuery bug, but it certainly seemed like one. For some reason, values set via the .css() method were being set, but read back as 0, e.g.

1$('#something').css({left: 15+'px', top: 20+'px'});

2alert($('#something').css('left')); //alerts 0px, not 15px

In jQuery 1.4.2, there was no issue. Anyway, some fudge later involving tracker variables, this is fixed. Phew.

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Comments (2)

Marcus Tucker, at 28/10/'10 16:23, said:
Certainly seems like a bug, have you floated it for discussion in the appropriate jQuery forum?
Mitya, at 28/10/'10 16:33, said:
Haven't yet but will. Cheers.