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Calendar and date-picker

posted: 30 May '10 09:15 tags: Javascript, calendar, date, jQuery

Just posted a calendar/date-picker plugin I've been working on for some weeks. In short, it aims to be the most versatile and easy-to-integrate plugin of its kind, and it's the one I use on the right of this page.

It's just one file (including all styling - no separate CSS files), and you have full control over:

- what fields should wake up/hide the calendar on focus in/out, or should it always be visible?

- what dates are displayed (particular ones? Future only? Past only)

- what happens when a date is clicked (write the date to a text field? Pass it to a callback function? Assign it to a variable?)

...and much more.

Head over here to download, get usage info or view a demo.

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