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jQuery article by Mitya on SmashingMagazine.com

posted: 10 Aug '10 09:51 tags: article, smashingmagazine, jquery, help

jQuery article by Mitya on SmashingMagazine.com

The popular dev and design site SmashingMagazine.com has published the first in a series of articles I'll be writing for them, this one entitled Commonly Confused Bits of jQuery.

It looks at 8 situations, involving commonly-used jQuery methods, and highlights the differences and nuances between them (some of which are not well known) and which to use in certain situations.

So did you know that, in IE, css('width') / css('height') returns 'auto' on elements that don't have dimensions implicitly set? Or that closest() begins upwards traversal starting from the element itself, not from its parent?

You can check it out here.

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Comments (2)

cms, at 25/10/'10 23:07, said:
very nice post. i have bookmarked your website. i like it very much.. thank you
Mitya, at 26/10/'10 10:25, said:
Thanks, cms.